A Mother’s Blessing


Mother, Mom, Mommy, Ma, Mama, Momma, Mami, Mimi – this is for you who
Held our hands, kissed our knees, straightened our stances, and showed us the world
One marvel at a time — read us stories, taught us colors, wore our macaroni jewels, saved our crusty tempera paintings from the 2nd grade, taught us dignity + humor, taught us how to use our hearts as best we could (and as best you did, always): to LOVE…

Bless you, bless you, bless you.



Waxing Poetic

- September 21, 2015

Yes, our Lovewing Butterfly Locket is available for purchase here: https://www.waxingpoetic.com/lovewing-butterfly-locket

Travis Stoll

- August 28, 2015

Is this still available for purchase?

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