A Time to Confer Degrees and to Confer Delight.
Located usually somewhere between late Spring and
midsummer is a season unrecognized by meteorologists but deeply felt by those it touches (who are many): Graduation Season, a brief but
seriously significant span of time in which we celebrate the completion of hard-earned goals and the literal
commencement of new adventures.
To the class of 2018 -- whether it’s preschool (adorable cuties in
colorful mortarboards walking a short distance to receive cheerful diplomas sending them onward to kindergarten),
kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, college, university, a professional degree, trade
school, professional certifications, returning students or first time adult graduates -- we are cheering and
cheering and cheering some more.
You did it! Let’s celebrate!
While graduation
celebrations usually revolve around the recent conferee (and with entirely deserved and joyful reason), we’ve been
equally enchanted by recent phenomena in which graduates choose to share the spirit of
triumph/completion/achievement with those that got them there -- a move beyond ‘hi mom/thanks friends’ that can
include (but are in no way limited to) recent grads throwing follow-up gratitude gatherings in honor of supportive
families, or coteries of former roommates, housemates, and dormmates celebrating their interconnected adventures of
all nighters/midterm struggles/highs and lows and all manner of stories.
Whether this is your first or
fifteenth Graduation Season, make it meaningful, make it joyous, but most importantly, make it yours.
And for those of you who will be cheering cheering from the audience/grandstands/sidelines/backstage/top of a
crowded knoll, may we suggest some celebratory swag for your graduates?

Genesis Band Ring: Encourage your triumphant graduate this commencement season to commence his own new adventure with our Genesis Band Ring, engraved with a series of encouraging maxims to help him shape his new beginnings (along with your love and and support).

Write Your Own Way: Brave girls still need reminding and encouragement, even after accolades. Our WRITE YOUR OWN WAY necklace celebrates your favorite graduate’s independent spirit and applauds her determination both in school and beyond.

Compass Necklace: Your graduate needs to be reminded that wherever they go next,
they have your love and support and faith in their ability to direct their own course.
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